The track record of Individual investors is grim. This topic comes up every year when DALBAR releases a study1 tracking investor behavior over the past two decades, which included the bubble, the Great Recession, and the recent return to bullish markets. However, that depth of hindsight is not creating a 20/20 of wise investments. […]

Financial advisor working with client

What is a Relationship With a Financial Advisor Worth to an Investor? A 2019 study by Vanguard, one of the world’s largest money managers, attempts to answer that question. Vanguard’s whitepaper concludes that when an investor worked with an advisor and received professional investment advice, they saw a net portfolio return about 3% higher over […]

Across the country, people are saving for that “someday” called retirement.  Someday, their careers will end.  Someday, they may live off their investments, plus Social Security.  They know this, but many of them do not know when, or how, it will happen.  What is missing is a strategy-and a good strategy might make a great […]

Total student loan debt in America is now around $1.6 trillion.  Since 2008, it has more than doubled.  Federal Reserve data states that 44.7 million Americans are dealing with lingering education loans.  The average indebted college graduate leaves campus owing nearly $30,000, and the mean monthly student loan payment is about $400. Click here to […]

A good credit score can result in a lower home mortgage rate or a car buying rate.  We all try to maintain one.  Sometimes, though, life throws us a financial curveball and that score declines.  What steps can we take to repair it? Click here to read the full article.

Do you know how the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) contacts taxpayers to resolve a problem?  The first step is almost always to send the taxpayer a letter through the U.S. Postal Service. Click here to read the full article.