You’ve probably heard the old saying that “cash is king,” and that truth applies whether you own a business or not.  Most discussions of business and personal “financial planning” involve tomorrow’s goals, but those goals may not be realized without attention to cash flow, today. Click here to read the full article.

“Audit” is a word that can strike fear into the hearts of taxpayers. However, the chances of an Internal Revenue Service audit aren’t that high. In 2017, the most recent statistics available, show the IRS audited 0.5% of all individual tax returns. Click here to read the full article.

With the children now out of the house, financial priorities become more focused on preparing for retirement.  At this stage, you may very likely be at the height of your earning power and fast approaching peak savings as you lay the groundwork for retirement. During this final leg to retirement – and throughout your retirement […]

As a consumer, when you purchase an expensive item, like a car or refrigerator, you expect to receive a warranty that the manufacturer will repair or replace that product if it breaks down. A warranty makes sense for big-ticket purchases, but what about for a home? Click here to read the full article.

The track record of Individual investors is grim. This topic comes up every year when DALBAR releases a study1 tracking investor behavior over the past two decades, which included the bubble, the Great Recession, and the recent return to bullish markets. However, that depth of hindsight is not creating a 20/20 of wise investments. […]

Americans aged 45-54, who have credit card balances, carry an average debt of $9,096 per individual. The wise use of credit is a critical skill in today’s world.  Used unwisely, however, credit can rapidly turn from a useful tool to a crippling burden.  There are number of warning signs that you may be approaching credit […]