Markets rebounded last week, posting sizable gains and moving back into positive territory for the year.  All three domestic indexes experienced their largest weekly growth in years, despite losing some ground on Friday after news of additional indictments in the Russia investigation. Click here to read the full article.

Our Analysis of the Recent Market Turbulence The markets started 2018 with the wind in their sails, and investors watched as indexes continued their nearly straight-up trajectory from 2017. Then, after the S&P 500’s best January performance since 1997, stocks took a dive at the beginning of February.[1] On Monday, February 5, the Dow and […]

After months of relative calm, market fluctuations are causing many investors to wonder what is happening to the economy.  Last week, the S&P 500 lost 5.16%, the Dow dropped 5.21%, and the NASDAQ declined 5.06%.  The MSCI EAFE also gave back 6.19%.  These losses pushed all four indexes into negative territory for the year.  In […]

After 4 straight weeks of gains, the markets have slipped.  As of Friday, the S&P 500 lost 3.85%, the Dow dropped 4.12%, and the NASDAQ decreased by 3.53%.  International stocks in the MSCI EAFE also took a 2.78% hit.  Domestically, the losses spanned sectors and asset classes.  For the S&P 500, all 11 of the […]

Stocks had an impressive week yet again, as each of the domestic indexes reached record highs and gained at least 2%.  The S&P 500 added 2.23%, the Dow increased 2.09%, and the NASDAQ grew 2.31%.  International stocks in the MSCI EAFE joined the growth, adding 1.49%. Click here to read the full article.

We’re only a few weeks in 2018, and stocks are showing quite a strong performance so far.  last week, major domestic indexes posted gains yet again, with all 3 up at least 5% this year.  By Friday, the S&P 500 had added another 0.86%, and both the Dow and NASDAQ were up 1.04%.  All 3 […]