Markets closed out another positive week, driven upward by a better-than-expected GDP report and a reminder that the Fed won’t be pulling the plug on bond purchases this month. Nervousness ahead of a Fed policy meeting and the monthly jobs report contributed to volatility, but the rally pushed the S&P 500 to a new historic […]

Despite a spike in volatility, markets were still able to eke out gains last week. Friday also marked the end of the month and the end of the second quarter; though June ended in the red, equities closed out the second quarter in the black. This marks the third positive quarter in the last four. […]

The Fed and an ‘Omen’ Weekly Update – June 3, 2013 Markets ended the shortened trading week down, battered by selling pressure and volatility around possible Fed actions. For the week, the S&P 500 lost 1.14%, the Dow slid 1.23%, and the Nasdaq trimmed 0.09%.[i] Oddly enough, markets rose earlier in the week on a […]

A Difficult Week Weekly Update – April 22, 2013 Even as we share this update with you, the events that unfolded last week in Massachusetts and Texas are still fresh in our minds. Our hearts will remain with the victims and their families, as well as the residents of Boston and West Texas, as they […]

If you’ve been watching the news, you’ve probably heard a lot about “sequestration.” We understand that many of our clients are concerned about the effect of these spending cuts on the economy and their financial future. We are reaching out to provide some information and reassurance. Sequestration refers to the $85 billion in automatic federal […]

  What It Could Mean For You Introduction On January 1, 2013, the House of Representatives voted to pass the “American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012,” a bill to avert the fiscal cliff. Having already been passed by the Senate, the bill was quickly signed into law by President Obama, thereby preventing the U.S. economy […]