Discover the wisdom to successful investing with disciplined strategies and behavioral control. Learn to balance emotional decisions and rational thinking to achieve your financial objectives. Transitioning from having children at home to becoming an empty nester inevitably brings change, not just to your lifestyle but also to your financial planning. This change further extends to […]

Navigate the empty nest phase confidently with strategic financial planning. Discover the balance between enjoying the present and preparing for a secure future. As children grow up and leave home, parents inevitably face the reality of an empty nest. This period of change, while often marked with mixed emotions, presents a unique opportunity for self-reflection, […]

Starting on a new professional journey can open up opportunities to improve your financial position if you take the proper steps. As you navigate this career transition, be intentional about understanding and optimizing the key elements that impact your money management. Evaluating Health Insurance Options Carefully comparing health insurance plans should be one of the […]

When market volatility strikes, investors often feel rattled, prone to making brash money moves that undermine their financial plans. Savvy financial advisors play a calming role during these turbulent times by offering perspective and stable guidance to clients. It’s Natural to Feel Unsettled Human emotions are hardwired to prioritize threats and negative headlines. So when […]

Dollar cost averaging is a time-tested strategy to build wealth for retirement over the long run. While simple in concept, many investors don’t fully grasp the mechanics and advantages of dollar cost averaging. In our latest podcast, I explain exactly how dollar cost averaging works and why it’s such a powerful tool for retirement savers. […]

2020 tested investors with unprecedented volatility stemming from the COVID-19 crisis. Now as we enter 2021, many are wondering – where are markets and the economy headed next? In a recent podcast, I provided an in-depth analysis of 2020 and shared insights on the outlook for 2021 and beyond. Reviewing the Tumultuous Events of 2020 […]